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Membuat Tabel Budget

Kita akan membuat tabel untuk menyimpan budget dengan nama tblBudget. Tabel ini berisi data budget yang dimasukkan selama satu periode akuntansi. Tabel ini digunakan untuk membuat laporan pertanggungjawaban, yaitu dengan membandingkan realisasi atau aktual dengan budget.

Beriku ini adalah field dan propertinya.
  1. Field Name = Tahun
    1. Data Type = Number
    2. Description = Masukkan tahun budget
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size = Long Integer
      2. Caption = Tahun
  2. Field Name = Bulan
    1. Data Type = Number
    2. Description = Masukkan bulan budget (dalam angka)
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size = Long Integer
      2. Caption = Bulan
  3. Field Name = KodeRek
    1. Data Type = Text
    2. Description = Kode rekening utama sesuai dengan daftar
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size = 3
      2. Caption = Kode Rekening Utama
    4. Field Properties - Lokup Tab:
      1. Display Control = Combo Box
      2. Row Source Type = Table/Query
      3. Row Source = tblRekUtama
      4. Bound Column = 1
      5. Column Count = 2
      6. Column Head = Yes
      7. Column Widths = 1";2.5"
      8. List Width = 3.5"
      9. Limit to List = Yes
  4. Field Name = Deriv1
    1. Data Type = Text
    2. Description = Kode rekening derivatif 1.
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size = 3
      2. Caption = Kode Derivatif 1
    4. Field Properties - Lokup Tab:
      1. Display Control = Combo Box
      2. Row Source Type = Table/Query
      3. Row Source = tblRekDerivatif1
      4. Bound Column = 1
      5. Column Count = 2
      6. Column Head = Yes
      7. Column Widths = 1.5";2.5"
      8. List Width = 4"
      9. Limit to List = Yes
  5. Field Name = Deriv2
    1. Data Type = Text
    2. Description = Kode rekening derivatif 2
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size = 3
      2. Caption = Kode Derivatif 2
    4. Field Properties - Lokup Tab:
      1. Display Control = Combo Box
      2. Row Source Type = Table/Query
      3. Row Source = tblRekDerivatif2
      4. Bound Column = 1
      5. Column Count = 2
      6. Column Head = Yes
      7. Column Widths = 1.5";2.5"
      8. List Width = 4"
      9. Limit to List = Yes
  6. Field Name = JumlahBudget
    1. Data Type = Number
    2. Description = Jumlah budget
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size = Double
      2. Caption = Jumlah
  7. Primary key : KodeDeriv1


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